Learn to go upside-down and ramp up your existing inversion practice with Ben Wisch.
As with any practice, a strong foundation needs to be established in order to succeed. In this workshop you will learn all the necessary tools needed to develop a safe and confident inversion practice. Alignment, proper foundation, and the basic principles of going upside down will all be covered in detail.
This workshop will incorporate props (blocks, straps, blankets) to assist you in getting upside down, along with step-by-step instructions on how to balance on your head and your hands
Inversions that will be covered:
Side Plank
Crow Pose
Shoulder Stand
Forearm Balance
Early registration is highly recommended, as space is limited!
Date: Sunday, September 21, 2014
Time: 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Cost: $30 Pre-register, $40 day of Workshop
*Early registration is strongly encouraged
**No prior experience necesssary